FAQs – Horoscope Readings

FAQs – Main Logistics to be aware of – Before Your Appointment

Here is a list of FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions – that you may have while you are considering getting in touch to book a Consultation with us:

1 What information do I need to provide in order to get a Horoscope Reading done?

FAQs Horoscope Readings

You need to provide:

  • Name
  • Place of birth
  • Date of birth
  • Time of birth – as accurate as possible

Regarding the time of birth – generally to the nearest 15 minutes is fine. The more accurate the better. So do provide the best information you have. Sometimes planets or ‘houses’ land on a cusp and we need to allow for this in the Reading. But we can usually manage this as we proceed.


2 During Covid times, are you seeing clients face-to-face?

No. The Health Department has provided clear guidance that spending an extended time in a closed room with someone is one of the key risk settings.

At this time, we are conducting all our Readings online. This means either phone, Skype or Zoom meetings.

3 How do I pay for my Reading? Do you accept credit card payments?

Yes, we do accept credit card payments. We have a merchant terminal and can process a payment while you are either on the phone or on a video call. This way we do not need to write down your card details, if you have the slightest concerns about security.

Another way to do this is to break up your card information into several emails or phone calls. For overseas clients, payment by credit card is the most cost-effective payment method, and minimises transaction fees. We would process the payment shortly before your appointment.

Our practice is that we do not add a credit card fee when we accept credit card payments.

The other payment method we can arrange is for you to pay for your Reading by direct transfer to our bank account the day before the session. We can then verify payment and proceed. If this method is preferred, we will email you the relevant bank account details.

4 What kinds of questions can I bring to my Reading?

We do not answer questions such as: “I lost my keys. Where should I look?”

Our emphasis is on the psychological and practical interpretation of your horoscope. In other words, what it indicates about you and your potentials, your gifts, your needs. As well as your current challenges, and the timing of these.

So, it is useful before your appointment, to reflect on areas of your life such as:

  • relationships to opportunities in your life
  • times of restriction
  • relationships, and what works for you
  • career direction
  • family and community connections
  • your relationship to creativity
  • and whatever is currently important or urgent in your life.

If you can mention what is uppermost in your mind before you come for your appointment, then we can give this area some extra focus in our preparation time before the session.

5 Can you help for emergency consultations?

We are not an emergency or crisis counselling service.

In emergencies, you would need to call 000 for immediate assistance. (Australia)

To overseas visitors to this website (outside Australia), please refer to your local emergency services.

For urgent counselling, you may need someone like:

Lifeline    13 11 14

Beyond Blue    1300 22 4636

6 I have “had my chart done” once – why should I come for another Reading?

Frankly – we have seen a number of astrologers, and known them as colleagues as well. In our experience, everyone has a slightly different take on things. And different ways of expressing or emphasising different parts of the horoscope.

So, firstly, you will learn something new from every astrologer you consult.

Second, as time passes and you grow in personal experience and awareness, you will be able to notice and connect with the subtlety of what is communicated in a Horoscope Reading. In other words, the value of each consultation will build over time.

You cannot learn less. You can only learn more. And self-knowledge is THE most valuable knowledge there is, in our opinion. Self-knowledge guides all your actions and decisions. It can help prevent failure, bad decisions, and wrong turns in life. It can help you see how you can make the biggest difference with your life.

Third, over time, you will have different ‘transits’ to your horoscope. Changes will come into your life, and You will change and grow. And the current transits will reflect that. And the interpretation of your current transits can help you navigate that time, or that challenge. So that you find the most elegant way through. So that you can honour all parts of who you are, truly, deep down.

7 What fee do you charge for a Horoscope Reading?

We prefer not to advertise our fees on our website. We are not the cheapest, but our fees are fair. Nor are we the dearest by a significant margin.

The reason we don’t advertise our fees is that we believe the fee should not be the first thing you should consider when deciding if we are an appropriate fit for what you need in your life right now.

We are entering the realm of Astrological Compatibility in this question. You will get the ‘sustenance’ and support and inspiration you need from an astrologer who is ‘compatible’ with you. You will not get what you need from someone who is ‘incompatible’ with you.

So, if you feel drawn to us by seeing our photos or reading what we write on this website, then it is likely we will be a good fit for you. That is ultimately more significant than the fee. 

Of course, you need to know if you can afford it, or if you feel you deserve to spend that amount on yourself. That is your private decision, in deciding about your forward progress in life.

Either way, we do need to chat briefly to tell you our fee, and see if we have a time available that works for us both.

Also, it allows us to check in with your expectations for the consultation. Are there specific questions you want us to look at? Any particular issues right now? And so on.

For more information, or to book an appointment, contact us on (03) 9889 2118

FAQs for After Your Horoscope Reading

8 Can I see you for a Reading if a friend or partner has been to see you before?

The short answer is “Yes.” You can be assured of our confidentiality. And we will not be talking about anything that might have been raised in their session.

However, if you were considering an extended therapeutic process, or transferring to Jungian analysis with Frith, then there is a much stricter limit on not working with you as well as one of your close contacts at the same time. Please see the FAQ page at FrithLuton.com for more information.

9 Can I see you for a Reading if I am in a counselling process currently?

As a one-off: yes. However, if you wanted to see us for ongoing sessions, we require that you only work with one counsellor or therapist at a time. Simply put, it does not work to engage with two diverse inputs, often using different modalities. Our advice is to take one process to its conclusion, then start another.

On the other hand, a one-off Reading might help to provide further material to work on in your current therapy. Or it might shift something to help your current process move forward with renewed energy. A Reading is worth considering for this reason alone.

10 Is it OK for me to discuss my Reading(s) with close friends, partners, or other counsellors or therapists?

It is understandable to want to share new personal insights with some people who are close to you.

However, it can be even more powerful to hold those insights within, and reflect on them further. It may be that a significant realisation develops more deeply than you first thought. Often one insight leads to another.

The attitude we encourage is a commitment to ‘the question’. By holding the question for longer, we can find many answers, and deepen our understanding. If we simply grab the first answer, our search is over. And ‘the best answer’ may escape us.

Nevertheless, if you are in an ongoing process with a therapist who is sympathetic to astrology, some self-realisations may be useful to work with in your therapy sessions. Some therapists may be able to take the conversation even deeper, on the basis of your work to date. Others may undermine what comes from work that has not originated from them. Use some discretion about who you share your pearls of wisdom with.

The problem might come if a friend, partner, or other counsellor does not value appropriately what turns out to be a meaningful insight for yourself. 

Another aspect to discussing anything of a therapeutic nature with people close to you is that they may have subtle reservations about you changing in some ways. Your partner, close friends, or relatives may like you being the person you were – for a wide range of possible reasons. They may feel insecure or threatened if you become someone different from the person they have always known. It is wise to be careful, because ‘personal development’ is often hard-won, and fragile in its early days. So it is worth protecting.

11 Should I consider a Follow-up Reading at some stage?

Absolutely! For the following reasons:

  • It is impossible to work in detail with every part of your Horoscope in one consultation. There is always more to discover about yourself.
  • There will always be new challenges that affect you (or different sides of you) in different ways. This will highlight those sides of you and how they function. So that you can understand those sides of you as well.
  • We can build on previous conversations and consultations. So that your self-knowledge keeps moving to ever deeper levels.
  • There are many sides of your life – family, relationships, career, creativity, life purpose, spirituality, building meaning and contribution. We can have meaningful explorations into all these areas if and when they become more important for you. Your horoscope provides the basis for tailoring conversations around what fits and works for you. We steer away from generic ‘social norms’ to inform any conversation that applies to you as a wholly unique individual.

“There is always more to discover about Yourself…